Tell your MP to vote down anti-abortion amendments to the Criminal Justice Bill on Wednesday

Abortion rights in the UK are under attack. Next Wednesday (15th May), there could be votes on reducing the abortion time limit (NC15), and criminalising abortions post-24 weeks relating to Down’s Syndrome (NC41).  

Decades of progress in access to abortion care for women in the UK is at risk of being rolled back with the introduction of NC15 and NC41. Both amendments to the Criminal Justice Bill are strongly opposed by BPAS, various medical bodies such as the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, women’s rights organisations like Women’s Aid and the End Violence Against Women coalition, and the wider pro-choice sector. 

We can’t let the anti-abortion activists chip away at our hard-won reproductive rights. Email your MP to get them to save our abortion rights by voting these amendments down next Wednesday.